Famous Colocasia Gigantea (Blume) Hook. F. H 2023

Famous Colocasia Gigantea (Blume) Hook. F. H 2023. Colocasia gigantea is valued for the spongy aerenchyma and crunchy texture of its petiole (nguyen 2005). Bac há (colocasia gigantea [blume] hook.

Colocasia (Pflanzengattung)
Colocasia (Pflanzengattung) from de.academic.ru

Bac há (colocasia gigantea [blume] hook. Is now the synonym of this species. This page contains potential references in modern medicine, ayurveda, and other local.

Crop Profile Genera Colocasia And Xanthosoma.

The petiole has no flavor of its own, but absorbs the broth of the soup it is. 524 (1893) this species is a synonym of leucocasia gigantea taxonomy publications other data publications this. Da ye yu (pinyin, china).

This Page Contains Potential References In Modern Medicine, Ayurveda, And Other Local.

34 (1857) this species is accepted the native range of this species is s. The plant list includes a further 31. Colocasia gigantea (blume) hook.f., 1893 ncbi blast name:

Were Studied From December 2005 To February 2006 On Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu (South Pacific).

The record derives from wcsp which reports it as a. The thermogenesis and flowering biology of colocasia gigantea (blume) hook. Were studied from december 2005 to february 2006 on espiritu santo, vanuatu (south pacific).

Colocasia Is A Genus Of Flowering Plants In The Family Araceae, Native To Southeastern Asia And The Indian Subcontinent.

Is now the synonym of this species. Other names with !caladium giganteum blume as basionym: Leucocasia gigantea (blume) schott projects:

Colocasia Prunipes K.koch & C.d.bouché, Index Seminum (B, Berolinensis) 1854(App.):

Economic botany publishes interdisciplinary work on the relationship that exists between plants and people, including the uses of plants. The thermogenesis and flowering biology of colocasia gigantea (blume) hook. Free and open access to biodiversity data.

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